My relationship with my cell phone began in 2013, when I was a freshman in high school. I originally got a cell phone because my mom wanted to know where I was and what I was doing with a way to hold me accountable for keeping her informed. When I received my first phone, an iPhone 4, I was very excited and eager to fit in with everyone else. The phone was a chance for me to join the Kik group messages and get my own Instagram account. I could now take photos of my friends and I, and make Vines. Having a phone meant having the ability to finally make plans on my own without my parents supervising all communication through email or our home phone.
Now, as a sophomore in college 857 miles from home, my phone is primarily a tool for communication with friends and family back in St. Louis. I follow all my friends and family on Facebook and Instagram; I call them on Facetime; and I text them every day. Without a phone, I cannot imagine how homesick I would be. In addition, much of my life in college relies on my phone. I am constantly using my phone for practical purposes--Uber, my calendar, GroupMe to manage clubs, and calling/texting my friends to make plans. Even more, when I want to relax or take a break, the first thing I choose to use is my phone. It has become ingrained in almost every aspect of my day, and I honestly cannot imagine life without it.